
ANNOUNCEMENTS:                       WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12th    

LUNCH TODAY                                         french toast sticks

  • Seniors- Cass Communications Scholarship is due February 15th. Check the scholarship presentation and spreadsheet.        

  • Seniors- if you are planning on applying for the Rotary scholarship, you need to schedule a time to attend a Rotary Meeting. Please see Mrs. Harbourn asap

  • Seniors- If you have anything left over from Homecoming in Mrs. Sidwell’s room, it needs to be removed by the end of the day today. After today, everything will be donated or tossed.                                           

  • A parent meeting with the HS Spring sports coaches and athletic director will be February 26th at 6:00 in the HS cafeteria for the sports of baseball, softball, and track. If you have already attended the Fall or Winter AD meeting, you only have to attend the coaches meeting following the AD meeting.      

  • Sign up sheets for Baseball, Softball and Track are on the office window

  • History League will be having a meeting today during 5A or 5B in Ms. Rousseau's room. Please attend if you are part of the 5th Grade Field Trip or interested in our Springfield Trip!

  • Seniors Attention!!! Let your final message from high school be recognized by submitting your Senior quotes to the Seniors google classroom page by March 7th.